Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)

PH is defined as mPAP > 20 mmHg + PVR ≥ 2 Woods Units.

Hemodynamic Definitions

Group mPAP PVR (Woods Units) PCWP Causes
Isolated pre-capillary >20 ≥2 ≤15 PAH, PH from lung disease, CTEPH, unclear/multifactorial
Isolated post-capillary >20 <2 >15 Left heart disease, unclear/multifactorial
Mixed pre and post-capillary >20 ≥2 >15 Left heart disease, unclear/multifactorial

PVR = (mPAP - PCWP)/CO (in Dynes) Woods Units = Dynes/80

Classification of PH

Group 1

Vasodilator responder patients (low %) typically have very severe disease, but have remarkable clinical and hemodynamic response to high dose CCB (nifedipine) with significant prognostic implications.

Group 1 PAH is a disease (mostly) of vascular proliferation and obliteration, rather than (rarely) vasoconstriction. I.e. it is a vasculopathy driven by underlying condition.

Group 2

Increased LA pressures, increases pulm venous pressures, and in genetically predisposed individuals leads to increased pulmonary pressures and congestion.

Diagnosis of PH

Consider screening for CTEPH for patients with (1) moderate to severe PH/RV dysfunction with heart/lung disease, (2) or no heart/lung disease confirmed.